Covid-19 Patient Updates

By | March 30th, 2020 | Comments Off on Covid-19 Patient Updates


Guidelines for patients who think they have COVID-19:

  • If you are sick with mild symptoms (cough, runny nose, sore throat), stay at home. Follow the self-isolation guidelines from your local public health unit
  • If you have respiratory symptoms (like a cough, fever, or difficulty breathing) and think you need to see a doctor, CALL FIRST, BEFORE COMING TO THE CLINIC.  
  • If you think you may have COVID-19, please get tested. Please check the BCCDC website for excellent information on testing. You can call our office if you are uncertain.

Guidelines for patients coming to the clinic:

  • We require that patients wear a surgical or medical mask in the clinic.  We will provide you with one.
  • Stay two meters (six feet) away from other people and avoid touching surfaces.

Vaccination information

Please note that vaccinations are now in progress and are based on age groups and occupations.  Please check the Vancouver Coastal Health website for updated information.

People aged 69-16 who are clinically extremely vulnerable will receive their first dose of vaccine in March and April.  For more information please click here